Université Cadi Ayyad, Faculté des Sciences Semlalia Marrakesh
Laboratoire d'Ecologie Végétale et de Phanérogamie
Direction Régionale des Eaux et Forêts du Haut Atlas à Marrakesh (DREF, Marrakesh)

Organized the second International conference


The Thuriferous juniper (Juniperus thurifera L.) and the
mountain forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean basin


In Marrakesh, April 17 - 22, 2001

General presentation
Organization committee
Scientific committee

 Summaries of communications are available now!

Have a look at pictures of participants!

General presentation

The second international conference on Juniperus thurifera followed the first international conference of Marignac in September 1997 in french Pyrenees. The thuriferous juniper is a particular species of the western Mediterranean Basin due to its patrimonial value. This tree which represent a major botanical element on the forest structure, plays an important ecological and socio-economic role.

For this second international conference on Juniperus thurifera, the topic was enlarged to the mountain forests in the Mediterranean Basin, where the softwood species are predominant. These mountain forests show great differences in their structure and floristic composition in relation to mountain massif and ecological conditions. Researches led on the current dynamic of mountain ecosystems and the variations of the upper tree-line, gave indications on recent climate changes and environmental transformations in Mediterranean mountains. In the Maghreb mountains and the estern part of the Mediterranean Basin, the human impact on the forest ecosystems is strong and the woodlands are heavily degraded. In France and in Spain, for some decades, the mountain forests show a strong development that is a threat for the residual stands of Juniperus thurifera in Alps and Pyrenees (France).

The woodlands of Juniperus thurifera in the western Mediterranean Basin and Juniperus excelsa in the estern Mediterranean Basin, are characterized by a lack of natural regeneration in mountains of Maghreb, Lebanon and Turkey. Protection of these species and conservation of this genetic potential is a priority. The sustainable management of these mountain forests is a challenge for scientific community and environment managers due to special ecological conditions and social constraints.

This conference gave the opportunity to exchange ideas, informations and experiences about juniper woodlands and more generally about mountain forest ecosystems, management and conservation of the biodiversity of these stands.

Themes of the conference were:

1) Biogeography, Ecology, Biodiversity of woodlands
2) Conservation problems, natural regeneration and functioning of ecosystems
3) Mountain forests as a witness of environnemental changes
4) Sylviculture and management of mountain forests
5) Social and economic roles of mountain forests


Organization committee:

M. Mohamed ALIFRIQUI (FSSM, Marrakesh) - M. My Ahmed EL ALAOUI EL FELS (Fac. Sc., Agadir) - M. My Dris EL ALAOUI (FSSM, Marrakesh) - M. Ahmed OUHAMMOU (FSSM, Marrakesh) - M. Ali BLALI (DREF, Marrakesh) - M. Mohamed BOUAICHI (DREF, Marrakesh) - M. Smail LAMI (DREF, Marrakesh) - M. Tariq KHALLA (FSSM, Marrakesh) - M. Nicolas MONTES (IMEP, Marseille, France)

Scientific committee:

M. Jean François ASMODE (Paris, France) - M. Wadi BADRI (Casablanca, Morocco) - M. Ahmed BELLAOUI (Marrakesh, Morocco) - M. Abdelmalek BENABID (Salé, Morocco) - M. Mohamed BENHIBA (Marrakesh, Morocco) - M. Said BOUJROUF (Marrakesh, Morocco) - M. M. A. EL ALAOUI EL FELS (Agadir, Morocco) - M. Mohamed FENNANE (Rabat, Morocco) - M. Martin FISHER (Fidji) - M. Thierry GAUQUELIN (Toulouse, France) - M. Gérard LARGIER (Bagnères de Bigorre, France) - M. Omar M'HIRIT (Rabat, Morocco) - M. Ahmed OUHAMMOU (Marrakesh, Morocco) - M. Alain ROQUES (Orléans, France) - M. Michel THINON (Marseille, France) - M. Luis VILLAR (Jaca, Spain)

For additional informations, please contact:
M. Mohamed ALIFRIQUI, Organization committee of the second international conference on Juniperus thurifera.
Laboratoire d'Ecologie Végétale et de Phanérogamie - Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences - Semlalia BP : 2930, 40001 Marrakesh, Morocco
Tel : +212 4 43 46 49 poste 523 Fax : +212 4 43 67 69 Email : alifriqui@cybernet.net.ma